Sunday, October 25, 2009

touch wood

i may not be an experienced driver like u (just because u are older), but i surely know what are the dos and don'ts on the road. i really dont get it why some drivers are too stupid to follow road rules! and these are the things that made me go "bodoh nyaaaa" when im driving!

1) sila ikut kiri jika tidak memotong. im fucking pissed if i have to step on my break paddle when im actually on the right MOST lane. you got it right. if you are driving slow dont stay on the right lane! saya tahu la "pandu cermat jiwa selamat" but u are just at the wrong place, move to your left Jose!!

2) i know when the night is so dark even the moon dont shine, we turn on our high beam light right! but for god sake if u saw another car coming in front of u TURN IT OFF laaa. silau tahu!! and its soooo annoying even after i beamed them twice as in the road language of "dude u are too shiny" they ignore me!

3) just smash your right and left signal if u dont need it! i hate emergency break!

just so u guys know it took me TWO times driving at 3 fucking midnight from Jb-Kl to gain my parents trust on my driving skill. and when i said 3 fucking midnight i mean LORRIES and TRAILERS everywhere, both parents and siblings soundly asleep, with god knows what can suddenly appear from the "jungle" along the highway! and the most horrible part of all, NYAWA mereka tanggungjawab saya. so i cannot do any mistake!

just to make everybody clear, IF laa one day i met with an accident *touch wood!!* which is not my fault but u, and because of that i lost my parents trust (which is SO hard to get), IM GOING TO HAUNT your life forever. (if its my fault than no one to blame but me)

it is sad u know reading all the news from the newspaper that people died on road accident because of others fault. i think its so unfair. but dont get me wrong, i know ajal maut di tangan tuhan.

p/s: kasihan kwn i kereta remuk sbb org belakang langgar!


shera said...

welcome raihan..baru sedar semalam,dah 5thun sy ada lesen, selamat memandu ;)

raihan said...

hahah! baru sedar dah 2tahun sy ada lesen memandu juga. hishh kak shira pro, manual pun layan! ;pp

shera said...

pergh..manual kne dulukan..hahah ;p

Anonymous said...

hi akak pemandu

Ika said...

OMG! I totally agree with you with those road ethics u mentioned! Same kepala la raihan!
Nwae, cute gmbr awk memandu..hehehe :-p