i used to be a girl who'll take everything very seriously. not in the sense of jokes, but other things. like i used to be so mad when somebody
(who is dearly to me of course) just leave without saying good bye. as in in the middle of
sms-ing or
Im-ing without considering the fact they may be having something so immediate they really got to go. and this has caused me so much trouble because due to the mood swing that i created myself, i cant focus on my studies. stupid me.
i cried buckets just because somebody (who is dearly to me of course) wish my birthday few minutes/HOURS later than others that are not so dearly to me, without considering the fact they may have their own reasons (which i cant think of any right now, haha) and this has caused me so much pain and it ruined my birthday when i can actually take it easy and just enjoy the rest of it. stupid me.
the fact that i am a planner, everything has to be done accordingly. and i expect it to happen no matter what, without thinking that sometimes certain things come unexpectedly like emergencies and all and even with plan A B C D & E, if something is not meant to be happened, it just wont. but stupid me, i go all disappointed with it even when somebody come up with another idea. i can actually just go with the flow!
and i went emotional all the way when i got to know something very important about somebody who is close to me from somewhere/somebody else and not from themselves. when they might thought that they've told me, its just them being forgetful. like come on, i forgot things too right?? pfffft!
so u see, being all negatives will never lead u to a happy life. and that was me, yeah WAS (or is? no no I'm sure WAS. haha) now that I'm a person who'll take things easy (easy doesn't mean ignore), and think about others situation as well when something unpleasant happened, had really made my life easier and HAPPIER ;))! even when they suddenly disappear, even when they ruined my birthday, even when they ditch me with my PERFECT plans, even when they dont tell me things, i'll just smile and think positive!
come to think of it, theres nothing to lose right so why crying and being mad at something unnecessarily? so ladies and gentlemen if u are someone just like me (the old me) come on make it WAS as well! and even if being positive wont make u feel any better, here's the thing. remember this charming mantra! WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. buat baik di balas baik, buat jahat di balas jahat, easy peasy ;))
to all the cry babies in the world, CHEERS ;D