Sunday, August 30, 2009


for this. saya ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI KEBANGSAAN ke-52 to all Malaysians all over the world! i really had fun during our 'merdeka and majlis berbuka puasa celebration' with the embassy last night ;)) let us all contribute something to our country, with excellent performances (chehhh) in whatever field we are in ;))


and for this too! to all gossip girl bitches all over the world! ;)) hopefully the 3rd season will be filled with more exciting bitch action and heart-melting romantic scenes! oh i heard Hillary duff, tyra banks and Joanna Garcia (privileged) will be in. so CANT WAIT ;DD


gossip girl (BAHAHA)


IRA said...

i love chuck. chuck loves me.


p/s : raihan, nnti kite amek dari awak cam biase ;p hahahaha my lappy susah la nk dl things!

raihan said...

hahaha blair and chuck is sooo couple of the season this time ;DD

alright! no problem ;)