oh-mi-god its 11pm and im starvingggggg. dont get me wrong ok, i havnt had my dinner so its totally acceptable! im tired of eating maggi, i dont have an intense desire to make a phone call for any delivery *muakkkkk lah!*, our rice cooker rosak and lagi one week baru dapat balik *nice one* and sangat lah kepingin nasi skrng! *jiran2 ku sekalian faham2 lh* HAHAHA :p
but thank god theres ritter sport! my life saving ritter sport :) at least this is sufficient enough for tonight. my brain needs food! oh i forgot to tell u. i am STUDYING people. for the very last minute. i know it wont help much but at leasttttt?? *ok lets not regret now* same old same old. hahaha!
perut dh kenyang, sekarang boleh lh sambung belajar ye raihan. silakan.
f-a-m: this is one of my fav. obviously :)
dh gemuk tu, gemuk jugak.Q
i nk jugak merasa ada muffin top mcm u. plisss bagi i peluang??
isnnt that MAS nye blanket ke jadi alas biskut tu?=p
HAHAHAH. yessss! ada satu lagi dalam wardrobe buat ganti2. sorrry MAS :p
isnt that MAS af? hahahaha.Q
hish tolong lh jgn nk kemaruk AF kt page i?? kawal diri ok? HAHAHA!
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