Saturday, April 25, 2009

seize the day :)

remember i told u about all our ruined plans? well being us, we never give up :) and of course this time everything is more appropriate with the reservation and all. with a car as well. and yeah we had our clinical in the mornig, did henna *or mehndi they calld it here* in the evening, just few hours before our great dinner begin. we really seized the day! njoy the pictures :))

i was amazed! they are so CREATIVE. free-hand ok?? and mereka semua LELAKI.

the JAKUN me :p

the result :))

bbq nation at LAST!

me with the birthday girl. awww...

safiya, serjit, moi.

all pretty :)

seriously girls?? im the TALLEST?? pfffft. HAHA :p

happy belated bitrhday serjit, AGAIN :))
the end!


si mill said...


dh tgk gmbr yg laen kt fb..

mne nye gmbr yg dh siap?

i mean yg dh jd merah?

raihan said...

hahaha. gambar yg dh siap x amek pulak. bt nice lah of course :)

x lah merah, first day orange2, skrng dh pekat jadi mcm tatoo pon ada. hahah.

shera said...

kalo raihan plg tinggi..mereka mcm mane yer............? ;p

raihan said...

hahaha. sbnrnya tu sbb kasut :ppp