in the middle of the conversation, ayah suddenly asked,
"ayah: skrng dh bljr part mane dh in human body?
me: part2 tu semua dh habes time first year. waktu bljr anatomy.
ayah: ohhh kire nye skrng, everything in human body is at the tip of your fingers lh? ok, ade berapa byk sendi dlm tubuh badan manusia?
me: sendi? ape tu?
ayah: sendi tu joints lh.
me: ala....xtau lh total ade berapa...
ayah: ha, dlm al-quran ade sebut, setiap manusia itu telah diciptakan dgn 360 sendi. bkn setakat sendi je yg dicerita, tulang kt bahagian tangan, dan macam2 lg."
saya rasa mcm tertampar dgn soalan ayah, lebih2 lagi soalan itu tidak dapat dijawab oleh saya, seorang pelajar perubatan, yg sudah pon tamat belajar subjek anatomy, dan skrng berada di tahun dua. sedangkan ayah, bukan lh bekas pelajar jurusan sains pun, tau serba serbi tentang itu ini. dan rahsia nya cuma satu. al-quran.
ayah never failed to read quran everyday, despite of his busy and tiring worklife. i dnt knw how many times ayah had finished *khatam* reading it. because it has become his routine, he can even corrected ibu's reading without looking at the quran. how i respect you, my father.
that is why ayah knows pretty much about anything that i asked. pretty much about life, which i observed, even something which is not in his field, and now i know the secret. saya yakin, bahawa semua umat islam sedar betapa hebat dan lengkap nya al-quran. cuma kita je yang jarang2 hendak membuka dan membaca nya. saya juga tidak terkecuali, walaupun ayah xjemu2 nasihat kn baca al-quran selalu, setiap kali dia telefon.
well, todays incident mk me realised. and i promised myself to get a quran with the terjemahan, so that my reading after this will be more meaningful, as im not reading it blindly without knowing the meaning. and hopefully i'll become a woman who'll know pretty much about something that i nvr get from my formal education, just like ayah. insyallah :)
p/s: whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him.
insyaAllah raihan :)
heh! thanx k.shira :))
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