Thursday, February 12, 2009

my sHERO!

money money money
1) i can easily fill my shopping bag with anything that i find cute and nice, but she always have the problem of choosing things and i'll end up broke and she'll go back home happily with hundreds of ringgit left in her purse!
2) im such a big spender *obviously* and she is soooo good in saving her own money.
3) i never refuse everytime ayah insists to give me money, but shes somehow berat hati nk terima unless she really needs it! *sumpah mulia dia ni* HAHAH.

1) shes such a sleepy head!! sy pon kuat tido jugak tp dia lg teruk. sumpah x tipu.
2) dia ni suka sgt burp kuat2!!! *ok nk emo dh ni* hahah! saya pantang ok??? eventho shes not doing it in public, bt still??? *buruk perangai!!* which i wont never do such thing ever!!
3) shes having the attitude yg kalau kita satu family nk keluar mana2, semua org kene tunggu dia siap! time tu lh nk mndi, nk iron tudung lh, macam-macam. and so far sy xpernah lg buat org tggu saya.
4) dia sangat menjaga solat nya :) kalau kita keluar shopping ke apa, dia adalah inisiatif nk cari surau kt mana. saya kalau ayah x call suruh cari surau dan sembahyang, mungkin x cari. *tp skrng sy dh berubah siket* alhamdulillah.
5) saya x boleh hidup dalam bilik yg bersepah, dan semua adik2 x suka saya sbb selalu membebel bila bilik x kemas, tp dia semua benda pon xkesah!

appearance :)
1) shes wearing her tudung. im not. yet. dan dia juga menjaga aurat nya. shes not a kind of girl yang pakai tudung, tp kalau amek gambar xpakai tudung tu tayang2 kt fb, ms,fs dan sebagai nya. yang satu dunia boleh nampak. dia pantang ok letak gmbr dia xpakai tudung kt mana2.
2) im thinner and slimmer of course. HAHAH. sorry.
3) kita selalu share2 baju time kecik2. sekarang mmg BIG no no lh kn. handbag boleh lh kot. HAHAH.

1) i dont mind lending her money *xpernah lg dia mintak* hahah, and of course she dont mind lending hers too :)
2) we talk about everything. maybe because of our age. shes 19.
3) we both cn lean on each other and im pretty sure of that.
4) she never wants to be a doctor! pernah merajuk kunci diri dalam bilik bila ayah suruh pergi egypt buat medic. HAHAHA. *kau ni lawak lh weiiii*
5) ohhh! and we both hate CHEMISTRY. yeah no doubt about it.

semua org ada kebaikan dan keburukan masing2 bkn? siapa pon kita, berusaha lh utk memperbaiki kelemahan diri sendiri :) and yes, my shero is you, ATHIRAH BINTI MOHD MA'MON.

i miss u both, tey n eja :(

p/s: consider how hard it is to change yourself, and u'll understand what little chance u have in trying to change others.

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