Sunday, March 8, 2009

not well

i came back from my MAJOR shopping yesterday at 8pm. manage to spend around *ok x pyh lh mention berapa kn* but A LOT. as soon as i reached home, rasa pening tahap xtau nk ckp, tukar baju *x larat nk mandi pon* terus terbaring. with all the shopping bags berserabut atas katil *soooo not me* saya tertidur. sangat lh panas badan ni, and kepala rasa sgt berat.

dah lama x sakit, now bila sakit rasa nk ibu skrng jugak. ye sekarang! nk poridge yg ibu masak.. :( bt thank god i feel a lot better today, tho kepala still pening2 lagi. its probably because i spent too much time outside *9hours kot* dengan cuaca kt bangalore yg SANGAT PANAS, dan udara yg SANGAT X SEGAR. hopefully i'll be alright by tomorrow because i dont want to be absent on my last day of surgery posting *sedih nye :(*

f-a-m: im going to have my period soon *sighhhhh* another pain coming. erghhh.


foodislove said...

oo... get well sooon =)

raihan said...

thanx winn...