Tuesday, March 10, 2009


hey hey. dont worry. im not going to privatise my blog :) i just wanna share my opinion about people who are starting to make their blog private. yes. im wondering why they suddenly change their mind after so long? *i mean sape yg mmg dr buat2 dh private lain lh kn* so i started putting myself in their shoes. trying to think of reasonssss.

1] they may feel insecure?
i know sometimes theres psycho bitch who selalu sgt x puas hati kn. and keep on telling this and that based on ur writing, and u r trying to avoid that? as for me, lagi nk dia baca ada lh! lets jst take dr.m as an example. ingt musuh dia x ramai ke? berjuta kot? kena maki hamun siap. tp ada ke dia nk private2 blog dia? xde kannn. an as far as im concern, blog2 yg best dan hebat yg saya tahu xde lg nk private2 ni :)

2] they wanna be free~
as in their writing. selama ni terbatas rupanya. so bila dh private boleh tulis sesuka hati? is that so? its ur blog. suka hati lh kot nk tulis apa bila2 pon kn? hell to that people yg x puas hati.

3] look whos reading!!
ok this part, i have no comment :)

4] suka hati lh!
ha yg ni lg xde comment. agree agree. suka hati korang lah kn? saya pon x kesah. hahaha. so korang pon jangan kesah k apa yg saya tulis ni. xde tuju kan kt sapa2 pon, sumpah! cuma rasa nk tulis sbb ramai dh dgr nk private2 ni :)

5] other reasons.
ok saya x dpt nk fikir reason2 lain. mungkin anda tahu? apa agak nya?

whatever it is, private ke x private ke, kalau blog tu menarik, kita akan baca jugak kn? so cheeerss!! ok do i have to remind everyone again? i think yes. i cn write whtever i like. and plisssssss keep that in mind. THANK YOU :))

f-a-m: theres no f-a-m today. bt i just wanna wish all muslims, selamat menyambut maulidulrasul. and banyak2 lh berselawat hari ni ok :)


Anonymous said...

i think it is really up to them.

raihan said...

yesss. of course.
couldnt agree more :)

Shahril Shuhairi said...

Yep... i agree that Raihan agrees.. =P. Surely alot more will agree that i agreed to Raihan's agreement to something she was agreeying... Errr..I dunno watta heck i'm saying. hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hmm..orang yang private kan blog ada sebab mereka privatekan..
I have a reason...
Hahaha..lagipun tak salahkan?:P
I like the way it is..
I feel free to write anything where only certain people can read my writings..
only to people i trusted..
hMM..I think this is a good reason...

raihan said...

sharil: ye agak mengarut di situ. HAHAHA!

eiraixora: i know i know. im not againts anyone who privatise their blog. not at all. im just stating my opinion. thats all :) yeah gud reason there!

Anonymous said...

hurm.. raihan.. bg aku.. a very good reason for them yg tetibe privatise blog ni.. sebab THEY FEEL REALLY UNSECURED!! nak kutuk org brani.. tp x brani nak tanggung consequences.. hahaha..kalo takut sgt, from the beginning lg, jgn bg tau yang ko ade blog YG DIBUAT KHAS UNTK MENGUTUK a.k.a MENYAKITKAN HATI ORG LAEN...

raihan said...

ok anonymous. agak frank di situ. hahaha. yeah i agree jugak. one of my fren said that people read what u write,thts y nk private. and i was thinking, so bila private, people dont read wht u write ke? hmmmm *still wondering*. tp on the other hand i agree that SUKA HATI DIA ORG LAH. asal kan semua org happy :))

raihan said...

ohhh and mcm miss eiraixora kita ckp. x salah kn? MMG X SALAH :)))

IRA said...

anonymous, i think it's the other way round. orang yg bace yg slalu kutuk orang yg tulis blog and it's kinda obvious especially here in my place

raihan said...

yeah. selalu gk terbaca cmmnt2 org kt blog yg mcm x syg mulut tu.

ira: good luck on ur new blog :)