everybody loves to doodle somewhere and somehow right? when something start to get boring, or its just too long we cnt even pay our attention anymore, thts when we start to doodle! *i know there are people who prefer to just sleep* haha! some people say we cn know our personality base on the things that we doodled, which im not sure how true is that fact.
well i do doodle! i can say a lot. hahah. selak lah buku mana2 pun mesti ada gmbr burung ke bunga ke dinasour comel ke kt hujung2 page nota saya :) i think they are cute. hahaha. bt i dont do it ALL the time ok, just when my attention slipd away and when i try to keep myself awake. jgn salah faham ya, saya rajin salin nota, betul x tipu *cantik pulak tu* hahaha.
so how bout u? u guys do doodle right??? *dont tell me u dont, because i dont think thats funny*
and this was last year during dr.murali-kesayangan-ramai punya lctr. *sigh* im sorry sir your voice is just too lullaby, u drive me to sleep...
f-a-m: i used to bite my nail! im a terrible-nail-biter! *selalu kena marah ngn ayah :(* my nail used to be soooooo UGLY and SUPER short all the time *yg sampai isi lebih dr kuku, if u knw wht i mean*. but now...tadaaaaa!! it look so nice, a lot of people been asking where i did my french manicure. oh the asnwer is simple. ITS NATURAL :))
ISi memang lebih dari kuku!!!
tapi i cant stop myself from doing dat thang!!!
look up hw u spell "jealous" in the dictionary. can't help noticing.
ikiey: hahaha. i dont know from where i got the courage to stop, seriously.good luck to u! its a baaaaad habit ok? hahahah.
anonymous: oh mi god. thanx. hahah. yeah its good to know that u actually noticed :)
dh lame dh perasan. saje je buat2 tak perasan.
i know! last post pon kn?? tp i dh betul kn. smpai hati u biar kn i malu!
ehemmm3!! :))
thats not ur anonymous,i hope u notice that.Q
yeah your Q pretty much tell you are NOT. heyyyyy this is not the way!! dah dah!!!
no i mean the first 2 anonymous is not the real anonymous.ok?haha
huh??? ye ke...malu dh. ok.
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