as you know in fashion, one day u are in and the next day u are out. i'm sure everyone of us has their own fashion icon, or idol or whatevr u call them. be it simple, high fashion, versatile, classic, vintage, rock, gothic, etc etc etc.
i know we realize that this phenomena or i rather say TREND keeps on changing from time to time. not just in fashion, instead in everything. gadgets, foods, musics,...ok ANYTHING. and everybody has their own right to be part of it. lets quote some examples here.
1) [fashion] we hardly seen people wearing leggings, skinny jeans, fedora, head band, long necklaces, oversized sunglasses and bags, gladiator shoes, etc etc etc, few years back. but now everybody owns one. its not that there are newly found/invented/designed/created. in fact, they existed since our mom's teenage time. this is what we called TREND.
so what if your shoes, or bags, or dresses, or whatever is exactly like others? they did not designed it just for ourself isnt it? even limited edition is not that limited after all. that is why theres a slot in magazines, "which celebrity wear it best". dont we all love competition? well i do :)
2) [gadgets] digital camera is the fanciest thing everyone could hve 2 to 3 years back. now, dslr camera is the in thing, even to those who do not know how to operate n use it to its fullest function *including me, i asked ayah to buy me one for my birthday and HONESTLY its not because of its function, bt because i find it cool to hang it around my neck, tp x beli pon*. not to mention ipod, iphone and whtevr i-thing they hv in the market, its all become TREND.
lots of people own a dslr camera now, bt dont u think only the one who is talented and artistic, captured the most beuatiful pictures? so, if they wanna hv it, let them! because only the best man wins :)
3) [others] in-thing: cupcakes, e-shopping, indi-music etc etc etc.
so ape yg saya nk ckp di sini adalah, theres no such thing like siapa tiru siapa, and there should not be any issues like i buy it first so u cnt buy, i pakai dulu so u xboleh pakai, or whtevr maybe the reasons. to those who i accidentally bought the same stuffs like yours, im sorry. n to those who accidentally/purposely bought anything exactly like mine, i dont mind at all, cause i know i wear it best :) HAHAHA.
p/s:on matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock :)
oh Thank God.
and thanks to ur dad too.
for not buying u the dslr.
-u know who am i-
hahaha. asal pulak! aku pandai amek gmbr ok??? *hahah pada hal satu ape pon xtau psl camera dslr tu*
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