Wednesday, January 28, 2009

tanah air

i've made my decision! im going back to malaysia this coming holiday which is on 27th march to 11th april. and i've listed few relevance reasons y i shud go back *tho my first internal assessment is on 14th april, just 2days after i landed at bangalore airport*

1) i miss my family and org2 tersayang and they are my number one strength *lagi2 nk exam ni*
2) ticket price is very reasonable and affordable :)
3) the gap btween this holiday and the next holiday is like 6months!! if i dont go back nw, i'll meet my family like another 8months?? no no no!
4) i dont hv to cook, and i dont hv to spend on foods or anything. dpt mkn mknn yg SUNGGUH ENAK hasil mskn ibu tersayang!
5) i dont want to spend the whole 2WEEKS in bangalore sorng2.
but the only problem now is, i hv to really discipline my self to sit and study at home *ok i nvr done this before* because my exam is like 2days after i arrived in bangalore, which theres zero possibilities for me to cover all the subjects within 2days *kalau sy xstudy kt rumah*. and im challenging myself to get a bttr marks than those who stay and giving exams as the reason not to see their family *i tell u they miss them alot actually*

saya tahu. sy juga tidak pernah membuka buku semasa di rumah. walaupon bersungguh2 bawak buku yg sangat berat. tetapi..kita kena lh berubah. HENDAK SERIBU DAYA, XHENDAK SERIBU DALIH BUKAN? ini adalah antara langkah2 yg akn sy ambil.

1) mengingatkn semua ahli keluarga saya utk mengingatkn sy utk belajar, dan tidak mempengaruhi sy utk terlalu bersuka ria.
2)pergi ke library, dan meninggalkan buku di library semasa pulang utk lunch di rumah, supaya sy mempunyai alasan untk datang blk ke library itu.
3)memotivasikan diri sendiri dan melawan sedaya upaya segala nafsu yg cuba menghalang!
4)tidak akn bawa balik duit langsong dr account bank sy.

so! its all up to you my dear friends. kasihan ibu bapa. seolah2 balik berjumpa mereka itu akn membuat kn kamu fail. ok ini pandangan sy. look deep into urself and u'll find the answer! as for me, im going back, and THATS THAT! :)

my reason, my unconditional love :)

p/s: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.


Najib Humphrey said...

my birthday is coming.
and i want the shoe thats on my blog.
or atleast u give something

Anonymous said...

ye ye balik reen (:
hee.. 6 months quite some time kn?

raihan said...

yes bie! im definitely going back!! :) hehe.
ajib..oh plissss. IN YOUR DREAMS. bahahaha!

Najib Humphrey said...
