Friday, January 30, 2009

sayangi nyawa.

[ini kisah nyawa] i always wondering when i'll get the chance to see emergency cases like we routinely seen in televison when all the nurses and doctors do their job in a very tense situation, and as fast as they could, trying to safe man's life. being a doctor, they really need to be fast. in making decision as well as performing the action, like wht to give, wht to do, and wht is the alternative way if someone do not response with this n that, just in a split of second. its really challenging espicially in cases like this.

today, finally, theres one emergency case that we were allowed to see and join all the doctors in the emergency room! as soon as we came into the ER, theres a body lying on the stretcher, full with blood, especially at the head and face area, semiconcious. it was a man, construction worker, who had a fall from a high building *probably at his work place* with profuse bleeding! as a first timer i was really panicked, bt all the doctors looked really calm *yet very serious and fast* handling the situation.
with all the sounds of the ECG, and blood pressure machine, nurses going here and there fullfiling the doctors need, the man helplessly lying as in he allows whtevr they gonna do with his body as long as he will keep on living, and us, jst stand there not able to do anything, watching a man struggling for a life.

i cnt really explain wht the doctor actually does because it will be too complicated for you guys to understand bt i cn say that IV strips here and there, tubes *as big as ur thumb* inserted in the nasal cavity as well as in the mouth, with ventilator, and all the wires connctd to a machine, which no one ever wantd to be in condition like this.

now tht man has been shifted to the ICU, and doctors are going to do ultrasound and CTscan once he is in stable state. i hope when i come again to the hospital next tuesday, he will be alright or at least he will show a lil progress, and keep strong to survive.

saya tahu ajal maut itu di tangan ALLAH. tetapi kita kena selalu berusaha menjaga nyawa kita yg hanya diberikan sekali sehaja. sbb itu lah, melakukan sesuatu yang memudarat kan kesihatan itu di kira berdosa *contoh nye merokok* kerana kita seolah2 tidak menghargai nyawa yg ALLAH berikan. apatah lg membunuh diri, nauzubillah. jadi, sayangilah nyawa anda daripada kemalangan dan kecelakaan *mcm abng buruh tu* yang 90% daripadanya datang dari diri kita sendiri. i know im not a right person to speak about dosa and pahala, bt as a muslim kita kena selalu saling ingat mengingatkn antara satu sama lain bukan? :)

to my brother, mohamad najib, sayangi lh nyawa anda!


Anonymous said...

wau best da dpt experience kt ER. duh envy u* (:

raihan said...

yeah very greatful. dont worry. ur time will come too!! :)

Staccato Princess said...

HAHA abgku najib. HAHA funny *LOL*

raihan said...

oh funny ke? i nvr knew u ade blog! dh tmbh lg satu cara2 nk buang masa! thanx to u! HAHAHA :)

Najib Humphrey said...

why Me?
knapa tak ABG?
knapa aku je jadi mangse kau.

raihan said...

hahaha sbb abng tu x bermasalah mcm kau. xsedar2 lg ke jib? bahahah :p

Najib Humphrey said...


raihan said...

i knw. reality hurts. BAHAHAHAH :p

KN nEMuRiuTa said...

Mintak maaf, tumpang tanye, ape terjadi kat laki 2?Adakah die slamat??

raihan said...

oh KN. haha. ha selamat alhamdulillah :) bru td jumpa dia kt hospital. tp kt ICU lg lh. lusa dia akn buat surgery utk betul kn mandible dia yg retak tu.