Sunday, January 18, 2009

unconditional love.

ibu called me jst now. and we had the same conversation as we always did. i cn really hear the sound of joy and happiness of my family thru the phone *perhaps they r all wathcing AJL together* and how i wish i was there too.

ibu:akak balik x bulan march ni?
me:xtau lh lg. tp semua org mcm dh bz2 je beli tckt
ibu:balik je lh..cuti2 mlysia lg. jln2 india lain kali pon boleh.
me:OK!! (dengan riang nye)

its only been 1week since i came bck from mlysia. n now ibu encourages me to go back again. i understand wht she's trying to say. selagi ayah ngn ibu ni masih ada, rajin2 lh kamu balik. nnti kalau dh xde, kamu nk tour mana2 pon suka hati kamu (dalam bahasa kasar nya).

i cn really see a point there. im not trying to act like a spoilt yg asyik nk balik je every holiday. i just dont want to regret one day that i din spend my time with ibu and ayah semasa mereka masih ada. i love u ibu. i love u ayah :)

p/s:it is better to be hated for what u r, than to be loved for wht u r not.


raihan said...

rindu org2 malaysia :(

Anonymous said...

hoi. ape ni.
sendiri tulis.
sendiri komen.

u nak balik malaysia?

haha. gelak guling!

-u know who am i- hikhik

raihan said...

hahaha. dh xde org nk cmmnt, cmmnt ah sendiri. hahaha. ye ye! si penulis rahsia, sy tahu siapa kamu. SENGAL POYO OK??? hahah.

Najib Humphrey said...

sedar pn.

raihan said...

sedar ape? aku mmg syg ayah ibu pon. kau je x! HAHAHA :p