Wednesday, November 25, 2009

come home !

As if from today, Wednesday 25 November 2009, my countdown for “MALAYSIA __ days to go!” is one day lesser than yesterday, and now it’s only 21 more days to go! Wehoooooo ;)) I know time flies fast, especially with all the endless tests, seminars, and tutorials that keep me BUSY nowadays, 16th December is going to be SOONER than I thought!

I have decided that this time around, I’m not going to make it as a surprise anymore! So that mom will be home, not outside hanging around with her friends, or meeting here and there with the club whatever, and she can cook me DELICIOUS foods if she knew I’m coming back! And since school holidays started already, at least my siblings can get up early from bed (in my dream la kannnn), wait for me at the front door, give me a hug, ask for their souvenirs (yeahhh dh 10 kali balik, 10 kali la nak souvenir??) and continue to sleep. USELESS!

masak special ok ibu? ;))

After all surprises are meant to be exciting! If I make it too often, it’s not going to be exciting anymore! So yeah, right now I’m thinking of another surprise for dad’s coming birthday on the 24th December. Hmmm hmmm ;)) ok! Let’s count the days together with me people! N See u soon MALAYSIA (◑‿◐)

p/s; I love surprises, don’t u get it?? *hinting someone* ;p

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